Monday, February 15, 2010

News: February 15

Former CNET and Fox Co-Founder Wants To Fund Your iPad App
"Depending on the complexity of each deal, the pair of execs plans to provide anywhere from $5,000 to $500,000 towards the development and marketing of iPad and tablet device applications – a market they believe will “revolutionize entertainment, games, content, and communications."
Source: Search-InternetMarketing

North Carolina State U. Gives Students Free Access to Physics Textbook Online
North Carolina State University Libraries paid about $1,500 to purchase the site license for the textbook, published by Physics Curriculum & Instruction. Greg Raschke, who managed the physics project for the libraries, said the libraries would like to make more textbooks available online for students.
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Eduction

Australian Publishers get a year to make good on e-books
Innovation minister Kim Carr said the Government would establish a new book industry strategy group "to help Australia's $1.5 billion book industry meet the challenges of increased online book sales and grasp the opportunities presented by the emerging e-book market."
Source: itNews Australia

Don't Put Up With a 50% Price Hike
Apple's new pricing, though, is a dagger to dedicated e-book readers. Publishers will make sure that its digital reads are priced identically across platforms, and that means that it will be harder for Amazon, Sony, and Barnes & Noble to market their gadgets.
Source: The Motley Fool

E-books need a common language
As of last month, that widespread support for EPUB and Adobe's DRM left Amazon, which uses its own proprietary file format and copy protection technology, as the only major holdout. That's a big deal because of the popularity of the Kindle, but there was a chance that market pressure for a standard might eventually force Amazon to acquiesce.

But thanks to the iPad and iBooks, the pressure on Amazon just got a lot lighter.

Source: MercuryNews

The Beginning of the End... of Paper Books
Despite the title, this article is mainly a discussion of the pros and cons of the Agency model that Apple has adopted and publishers are forcing Amazon (Kindle) to move to.
Source: The Huffington Post

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